Getting started with Cycle Syncing

Understanding hormones, the purpose of your menstrual cycle, and the factors that influence them is crucial for unlocking your true potential. Fortunately, there is a wealth of information available on this subject, but navigating through it can be overwhelming.

To make things easier, I have curated a list of books that I found helpful in my own journey. By delving into these resources, you can gain insights and practical tips to live in harmony with your natural rhythms. Remember, it’s essential to be kind to yourself throughout this process. Our daily lives are not designed with the menstrual cycle in mind, and it can often feel like swimming against the current.

In addition to the recommended books, I also suggest keeping a journal to track your cycle and observe any patterns that emerge with the changing seasons. This practice can provide valuable self-awareness and aid in your overall understanding. Below, you will find a collection of titles that can guide you on your path. Best of luck, and may you discover the knowledge you seek. 

Please note that the information presented in these books is not exhaustive, and there are numerous other resources available to explore.  Always consult your doctor.


Witches, Midwives, & Nurses: A History of Women Healers

Period Power: Harness Your Hormones and Get Your Cycle Working for You

Shakti Leadership: Embracing Feminine and Masculine Power in Business

Sacred Woman: A Guide to Healing the Feminine Body, Mind, and Spirit

Braiding Sweetgrass

Period Power: A Manifesto for the Menstrual Movement

Books for your Mental Health

Dealing with daily hormonal fluctuations was a constant challenge, especially during the premenstrual, menstrual, and post-menstrual phases. The intensity of these periods made it difficult to engage in activities, socialize, or even have the desire to eat. Negative self-talk and feelings of unworthiness would consume my inner dialogue, spiraling me deeper into a dark place.

However, I discovered the power of journaling with a purpose: tracking important data. I noted my sleep patterns, including bedtime and wake-up times, and assessed the quality of my sleep. Monitoring my daily meals and water intake became crucial. Additionally, I paid attention to triggers that could spark negative thoughts or moods, documenting what happened and why. This practice allowed me to identify specific triggers and prepare for them accordingly.

Reading the books listed below played a significant role in my journey, providing immense support and guidance. It’s worth noting that audio books are just as valuable as traditional reading (I struggle with this too). If it brings you joy and helps you, every form of engagement matters.

Remember, you’re not alone in navigating self-imposed rules or struggles. Let’s embrace all forms of learning and find what works best for us.

Keep in mind that these books are only a starting point, and there are numerous resources available to explore. Your journey is unique, and I wish you success in finding the support and knowledge you seek.

Think Like a Monk

Big Magic

Atomic Habits

There is a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem

7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Please note these are affiliate links.  I have read and found value from each and every one of these books and believe you will too. 


These Journals are designed and created by me.  They are printed through Amazon KDP so when you click on “buy here” you will be taken to Amazon to complete your purchase.  

I hope you found these books and resources to learn more about your cycle helpful.  If you believe I’ve missed something and have more resources please contact me, I’d be happy to add them!

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