Cycle Syncing – Part 1

How Cycle Syncing Changed My Life

I was in the 8th grade when I got my first period. My mom handed me a pad, gave me two Advil, and told me to always keep a pad in my bag. That was it. No discussion, no guidance—just a quiet introduction to something that would shape my life for decades to come.

Fast forward 20 years.

I started noticing a trend right before my period—intense depression, self-loathing, anxiety, and waves of sadness that felt unbearable. It didn’t make sense. I had so much to be grateful for.

When my kids were three years old (they’re seven now), I hit a breaking point. I knew I needed to do something. I wanted to be better for them, for my husband, and most importantly, for myself.

I considered SSRI’s but hesitated. My past experiences with low-dose birth control and anti-anxiety medication hadn’t been positive, and I wanted to explore other options first. That’s when I stumbled upon seed cycling on TikTok. I’d also seen some Pinterest graphics about it and decided to give it a shot.

I sat down with my husband to share my fears, concerns, and plan. He was fully supportive, and we agreed that I’d try it for a couple of months while journaling and tracking how I felt.

After just one month, I noticed an improvement. My cramps and mood swings felt more manageable. Could it have been a placebo effect? Maybe. But if it was working, I wasn’t going to question it.

Here’s the exact recipe I followed for seed cycling, and I also tried “moon milk tea”—which I loved! (No affiliation, just sharing.) I drank it for a few months before shifting my focus to my overall diet.

I did a quick search to find the best foods for each phase of my cycle. Then, I circled the foods I already ate and used that as a reference for grocery shopping and meal planning. It wasn’t a perfect science, but it was a start.

Those first three months changed my life. They were the first step in a healing journey I’m still on, but most importantly, they marked the first time in years that I stopped to truly listen to what I needed and how I felt.

There’s so much noise out there about wellness, but learning to silence it and listen to your inner voice is one of the greatest powers you have. Over the last four years, I’ve delved deep into cycle syncing, learning everything I can. Now, I want to share that knowledge with you.

In the next few posts, I’ll break down everything I’ve learned about cycle syncing and how you can use it to support your hormone health. I’ll also tell you about a journal I created to make tracking your cycles easier (though you can absolutely do it on your own with the tips I’ll share).

This isn’t an exhaustive list, and your journey may look different from mine. But if you’ve ever felt out of sync with your body, I hope my story inspires you to take the first step toward reconnecting with yourself.

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